Marilyn Place, EA

Marilyn is a manager in our Tax Department who works with non-profit organizations, for-profit businesses and individuals on their tax reporting. She especially enjoys working with non-profit organizations specializing in non-profit reporting compliance with the IRS. She has completed the Not-For-Profit Certificate II with the AICPA and continues to learn the nuances for non-profit reporting through continuing education.

Marilyn has worked in public accounting for 25 years and earned the Enrolled Agent designation with the IRS in 2013. In 2017, Marilyn started working remotely from the Asheville, NC area so that she could help her mother recover after a severe injury. Loving the mountains and the artsy feel of Asheville, she and her husband relocated there in 2018 where she continues to work remotely while caregiving for her parents. Marilyn also spends her time painting, hiking and volunteering with a non-profit Arts League in the area. You can see examples of her art work on her website