Send us documents with your phone

Want to send us some old fashioned paper tax documents, but want to maintain distancing? If so, there are several apps that turn your phone into a scanner that can create PDFs. There are a couple of benefits of using an app over the standard phone camera.  First, most of these options will automatically detect edges and document types to create a nice file.  Secondly, most of these apps have an option to save the scan as a pdf, and pdf files work much better in our systems than the native phone jpegs.  Finally, many of you have your phone set to 'downsize' the jpeg files that are sent to us which results in files with numbers that are illegible.
With that in mind, here are a couple to consider:
3. Dropbox: if you already use DropBox then consider their app:
4. Microsoft Office: if you are an Office365/OneDrive user then consider using Office Lens.